Monday, March 4, 2013

Dinner Conversation with G

I like airports.

Why do you like airports, G?

Dat’s where da airplanes are. (duh)

Is there somewhere that you’d like to go?

I would like to go to China.


To see da people.

To see Chinese people?

Yes.  To see da China people.

And what would you do there?

Wewl, if dere’s war, den I can help.

How would you help?

I get a sword and I poke people.

(Feel like I should clarify that he's imagining helping Chinese people, not fighting against them.  And also that I should clarify that I have No Idea why he started talking about this.  We've been reading about the American Revolutionary War and also about medieval times, so maybe he's coming from that?  But - really - Who could ever understand the mind of this child?)