Saturday, December 7, 2013

Another Amazing Visit!

Mr Peter flew in for a visit with G! 

G's anticipation before-hand was Too Much.

Me teasing G: What if you don't remember what Mr Peter looks like?

G: Mom.  You know.  I've been dreaming about Mr Peter and I remember.

Me: Yes?

G: Yes.  He has a striped sweatshirt... and a beard... and a smile... and hair.

Friday, December 6, 2013

My first love notes

From G:

I lve you I am soopr bcus it is soopr glab becus you r mine.

I luve you.  I luve you becous you are speshl.


I love you.  I am super glad because you are mine.

I love you.  I love you because you are special.