Tuesday, September 4, 2012


School has started!

Given G's challenges with transitions, we started preparing early.  In May we went for a long tour of the school and also got to visit his classroom-to-be.

Afterwards, I processed with him, helping him to remember key aspects.

Me: "G, your new teacher Mrs. L seems very nice, doesn't she?"

G (puzzled): "Mrs. L?  Who was sitting by me?  With her big teeth?"

Yep, that's the teacher.  With her big teeth.  I'm feeling super confident about the start of this relationship.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word ... I'm not sure if it's possible to love G more and more after each visit and blog post but I do. You hadn't told me the big teeth story, that is too much!!!

    So happy to be able to read these updates again:)
