Thursday, October 25, 2012


I've wanted to start G on an incentive chart.  Creating a chart has been on my "To Do" list for months.

Then, after one tough day, I simply grabbed a scrap of paper and drew 4 lines across it.  I wrote in 2 topics to help Mr. Peter and 2 just for me:

- Wake up; no arguing.

- Prepare for nap.  No trouble.

- Good rest.  No trouble.

- Clean up before bed.

10 smiley faces = $1


And it's been working great.

G is excited when he gets it right.  He just had one of his best weeks ever.  He's learning about money.  He's learning about handling disappointment when he doesn't earn the smiley.  He's learning that after he makes a bad choice and reaps a consequence, he still has the ability to make a good choice next time.  All good.

Plus - I realized that we've got to get going with learning bible verses.  First up: "Do everything without complaining and arguing so that you may become blameless and pure children of God."

He's learning it.

That verse works well with his incentive chart because he doesn't earn a smiley if he complains, argues, or delays obedience.  Great stuff. 

And - let's face it - the verse has been good for me to think on too.

Striving to keep running with purpose in every step!


  1. We've added charts here too! First week was awesome. Since then it's not been as great. Partly because I don't always make the marks :(
    Maybe I should record fewer tasks and focus on attitude instead. Thanks for the encouragement!

    1. G is still going strong. Apparently money is going to be a motivator for this child. Of course, I did take him to a toy store this weekend, just to prime the pump: "That one costs $25. You're going to need a lot of smiley faces for that, but you can do it!"

      If you learn any tips, please share!
