Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Do you remember that G's previous babysitter, Ms L, quit early last December?

I'm not sure that I blogged about it.  In my journal, I wrote that I was "too overwhelmed to breathe."

That feeling lasted for one night, and then God brought me another babysitting prospect.

Mr. Peter (college student) - found the same night I started searching - seemed too good to be true, so I didn't even let myself believe it. 

This is his 6th week with us, so maybe I can start to accept it.

I can work.  G has fun, safe care.  In our home.  And I can afford it.  G asks for Mr. Peter on Saturdays, which seems to be a good sign.  Mr. Peter has worked around our school / surgery schedule.

It's been great.


There's this other perk.

Seriously, this is our 6th week with Mr. Peter, and I'm just starting to believe that this may be for real.

Mr. Peter's mother has been bringing us dinner.  Once or twice a week.  Just to be nice.  No strings attached.  An example:

Uh - delicious - right?!

Oh, but don't forget dessert:

Because I usually make something like homemade strawberry cheesecake with every meal.  Riiiight.

Recap: Perfect babysitter + delicious dinners + 6 weeks to adjust = joy.


  1. Yesterday was homemade ham & spinach quiche with a fruit salad. Earlier in the week we enjoyed spaghetti with a garden salad. You see why it's taken me 6 weeks to grasp that this is happening! It's unreal.
