Friday, February 3, 2012

Sweetness Award 2012

Many of our days include distinct highs and lows.

Let's focus on a high, shall we?

The other day I was blow drying my hair.

And blow drying.

And blow drying.

Mercy - it takes forever!

Finally I turned off the hair dryer and moved to brush my teeth.

Ever present, G asked, "You done dat job, Mama?"

"Not really, G.  My hair is still a little wet, but I'm out of time.  That will have to be good enough."

"What about I can blow on it?"

... and he did... puffing up his little cheeks and gently blowing on the ends of my hair.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my. That boy's heart is just so sweet. This might be in the top 5 favorite stories for me!
