Friday, April 19, 2013

People are Interesting

Alternate title: "I joined a Book Club!"

My neighbor invited me to join a Book Club that she's launching.  Of course, I had to join because it provided a chance to meet my neighbors from all the way down the street!  Big opportunity!

I have interesting neighbors.

One favorite was the lady who queried the group: "Does anyone here like to read?"  I raised my hand.  She promptly declared: "You need to get a life!"

Fascinating.  I'd known her for 30 minutes and she felt comfortable mocking me for being a reader.

At Book Club.

After she'd shared that she'd just come from her bowling competition.

Where she came in last place.

I did think to suggest that she read a good book like "Bowling for Dummies."

But - don't worry.  I kept my mouth closed.  And silently thanked God for interesting people - and Book Clubs.


  1. Hmmm... I think this group will provide lots of fodder for your blog!

    1. It's going to be tough not to post more about it. There were so many hilarious interactions happening. I'll have to find the balance of laughing at the funny while still being respectful of everyone. It's like we were all cast from the Breakfast Club - each one of us with extreme personalities, each completely different from the other. It's unreal!
