Monday, March 12, 2012

A Passport. (exhale.)

My youngest son has been home from Haiti for 773 days.

Oh - the hours I've spent during those days, trying to secure his status as a US citizen.

After we received his permanent resident card last December, I called USC!S to ask if G finally was a citizen.  The nice man helped me for a long. long. long time.  He checked all kinds of different sources & regulations.  Finally he let me know that I could try applying for an N-600.

"But," said I, "An N-600 would cost $550.  All I want to know is whether or not he is now a citizen."

He persevered in his research.  Finally he offered, "Well, you could wait until February, when G has been with you for two years, and then try applying for a passport."

Passport applications cost $80.  A bargain!  We invested another hour at the post office, and today


G's very own passport.  And under "Nationality" it says "United States of America."

After holding my breath for 773 days.... exhale.

Next stop: A social security number.  Wish me luck.

p.s. For my newer friends - our journey has been extra complicated because of the Haitian earthquake.  Families who are in the adoption process now shouldn't face any of these struggles :)



  1. Yay! It must be exhilarating to finally see it in writing.

  2. Congrats! Always moving forward...
