Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"Thank You"

A few weeks ago we saw G’s cataract specialist. He’s a busy surgeon, apparently “the best” in this area.

After the appointment was over and he had left the room… he walked back in. He came close and looked me seriously in the eye and said, “I want to thank you for what you are doing for him (nodding to G).” And then he left again.

Now, if I was G’s biological mom, I might appreciate that comment. G can be a bit of a pill, and hauling his uncooperative self miles away, bribing him through procedures, and persevering through insurance dilemmas… that is worth a thank you.

But, let’s face it, the surgeon was offering his thanks because I was doing this for a child who is not really mine. Only – HELLO WORLD – he is mine! G is my son. I love him as I love Joseph. No one needs to thank me for caring for G.

In fact, if you wanted to come up to me and announce, “You are so blessed to have this amazing son,” then you would get my agreement.

My place is on the giving end - not the receiving end - of a million Thank Yous.

Should be obvious.  Right?