Friday, June 21, 2013


I’m planning to do G’s full card-opening love-lavishing celebration this weekend. 

We were also going to recognize the actual “half-your-life” turning point during the week. 
Instead, the babysitter greeted me after work with news that G had been in a scuffle with another boy at the park.  The boy ripped off G’s goggles, grabbed & wrenched his eye (leaving scratches on his cheek) and then punched G in the eye.  His damaged eye. 
What are the odds?
Really.  Is that even possible?  Some kid assaults G… by zeroing in on his injured eye?
It was back to the ER for us.  As we neared it, G said “this is my favorite hospital.”  Should a kid have a preference between hospitals?
I whine about our hospital familiarity even while I know that we are very fortunate to have had access to multiple excellent hospitals.  And fortunate that an eye injury is our biggest problem.
So.  With that attitude adjustment, I am very grateful to report that G’s retina appears to still be attached.  We’ll go next week for a re-examination.  Your prayers are always appreciated!
And G’s “half-your-life” was celebrated in a fitting way – popsicles at his favorite hospital. 

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