Saturday, June 11, 2011


Sorry I've been absent.  I've been a little too harried to blog.  I'm guessing you've been a little too harried to read.  Tis the season.

End of school year activities... IEP planning... graduation... doctor visits... lRS audit... birthdays....   Oh?  Did I mention an audit?  Why, yes.  My government friends thought that I'd like to pull up canceled checks from the past FOUR years of this adoption.  Apparently there's something about paying out large refunds that they don't like.

Thankfully, in spite of our busyness, we've managed to cement G's future career path.

"I gonna be a pilot Mama."

"Are you sure?"

"Mm hm.  I gonna fly."

"What else are you going to do when you're a pilot?"

"I go slow inna airpoht.  I jus park - everybody get off inna airpoht."

"Anything else you're going to do?"

"And I say: get onna airpane Jisis (Joseph)."

"Anything else?"

"No.  Das all."

So there you have it.  Watch for G at an airpoht near you soon.


  1. Tell G : SMF. He knows the lingo. He'll know.

  2. LOVE IT! Sorry about the audit. I've wondered if they'd give our refund without a fight, but we're still a bit behind you in the process.

    Did you get your green card and everything? We had our citizenship paperwork rejected today. So we're about to start that rebuttal process. I'll be so grateful when we're DONE with all this.

  3. Lori - How can that be? I feel like you, of all people, understood the process. I don't understand how they could possibly reject your paperwork. I'm so sorry. It should not be this difficult.

    I've been taking a slower paced track with G's vaccinations so we haven't been able to apply for citizenship yet. My goal was to have that done in July. If you have any advice for me, please share.

    And - about the audit - I've read about other adoptive families also being audited now. I have all of my receipts, so I'm hoping it's not going to be bad... (ever hopeful)
