Saturday, April 14, 2012

In Which We Survived Mr Peter's Absence

For obvious reasons, it is Very Stressful when Mr. Peter cannot watch G.

Leading up to Mr. Peter's vacation, I had contacted 100 babysitting prospects.  None of whom could watch G.  Did I mention that it was Very Stressful?

Finally I found someone for Thursday.. a young local college girl.. Miss Megan.  We went to interview her, and found her to be very nice.  And young.  I assured her: G is very funny; you'll probably have a terrific day, but if you need to restrain him....

I prayed for Miss Megan.

My coworkers prayed for Miss Megan.

We prayed a lot.

When I got home, I asked Miss Megan how the day had gone.  "Terrific.  G is great.  We had a lot of fun and he was really well behaved."

Of course.

I asked G how the day had gone.  No matter how I asked him the question, I only ever got one response: "All day, Mama.  Miss Megan not go potty all day." 

Apparently Miss Megan is not actually human.  But what do I care?  We all survived.


  1. The boy pays attention! So hilarious.
    Happy there were no disasters. Hey, I have an idea for next time mr. Peter leaves. It starts with a C...

  2. Oh my word, that is hilarious! Love that boy - he makes me smile.
