Monday, April 16, 2012

Safe Families

Single moms often live closer to the edge.

If I lose my job, there's not the hope of another income.  If I get seriously ill, there's not a caretaker in the home.  The operation of my home rests largely on me.

Fortunately for me, I have a network - family, friends, church.  If I was desperate, I'm pretty sure someone would help me back from the edge.

Many moms don't have that network.

They lose their job - and then their apartment.  They need to go away for a week of job training.  Or a month in the hospital.  And what do they do with their children?

Can you imagine the anguish?  Leaving your child with whoever is willing to take him... knowing that the "caretaker" might not actually take care of your little one?

That's why I like Safe Families.

Safe Families allows a mom to place her child - voluntarily - temporarily - in a home where he will be protected and loved.  She has the opportunity to get her life on track and then welcome her child back.  The child is given as much care and security as possible in the face of major transitions.

It's not foster care.  The child is never taken from his mom.  The Safe Family is not reimbursed financially for their service.  It's just community - loving on families - providing a network.

I think many people, if they were asked to host a child in need for a few weeks, would react by considering saying Yes.

Maybe you want to proactively consider saying Yes.  Safe Families, at least in my area, has more families in need than it has volunteer host families.

I'm finishing up my Safe Families volunteer training.  We'll see where it leads.

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