Friday, April 13, 2012


This is month-old news but will surely still be fascinating to all.

It's been troubling me that G's entire youth is being captured against

my YELLOW walls.

or are they ORANGE?

No - my kitchen is ORANGE.

This is YELLOW.

I've been imagining my 80-year-old self, spending my days flipping through old (non-existent) photo albums, and wondering: WHAT was I thinking?  10 years of YELLOW?

For the benefit of my future sanity, I decided to paint.

Yes, brown.

It's different, anyway.

You're welcome, Old Heidi.


  1. I like it Heidi! It's amazing what a new fresh coat of paint can feel like to our spirit. I think the colors in your painting are even more vibrant with the new wall color behind it.

    1. Thanks Diane. It's nothing like your beautiful new family photo wall, but at least it's fresh!

  2. Good one! I'm surprised you did it but it looks great and the painting does look even more beautiful with that background.
    How in the world did you find the time?!

    1. It was crazy-land in here for a while. I can't imagine how people who build their own houses ever survive :)

    2. You mean vacuuming chunks of drywall everyday off the floor isn't normal?
