Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Expressions

There are two frequent phrases lately that I love.  I'm not sure that either will come across without photos of the attendant facial expressions & gestures, but I will try.

- G will do something ridiculous.  I'll ask him: "What are you doing?"  He'll look back at me, totally perplexed, and say "I na no, Mama."  (I don't know, Mama)

- I'll be trying to accomplish something (always).  G will be troubling around my feet (always).  Finally he'll think of something that he wants to go get/accomplish.  Before he goes, though, he'll call for my attention.  Then he'll stick up his index finger, drop down his chin, raise up his eyebrows, and sincerely assure me: "I be reye ba (right back) Mama.  Reye ba."

1 comment:

  1. I love that I can hear his little voice in my head saying these now. So grateful for that!
