Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Birthday Novel (with story components helpfully identified for you)

The Setting - A HUGE birthday present arrives in the mail from Aunt Kirsti, Uncle Mark, and cousins!

Character #1 / G -
"Can't wait!"

Character #2 / Mom -
"Exactly how many pieces are in that box?"

The Conflict -
Lots & lots of pieces.  Mom wonders aloud if Uncle Mark is going to pop out of the box to put everything together.

Rising Action -
After a valiant attempt, Mom announces that the assembly will need to wait for a more skilled assembler.

The Climax -
Our hero, G, disolves in waves of anguish.

The Resolution -
In a surprise twist, super-friend-Pam stops by, inquires about the pieces strewn about the floor, and immediately sets about assembling the gift. 

Doncha love a happy ending.

1 comment:

  1. Saddest sad face ever! Yeah for Pam. I would have handled it exactly like you, I have to say. glad it worked out.
