Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fun Times

Two enormously exciting things happened yesterday.

Excitement #1. 

G brought home a birdfeeder he made at school.  Oh the joy!  The pride!  Never was a peanut-butter-filled ice cream cone more cherished... nevermind that it had been largely crushed into many small pieces.

 I can't wait!  Let's put on my boots with my sleeper and get this outside!

I think this bush would be a great place.

..but I don't know if I can part with this marvel of craftsmanship.

Yes!  I'll hang it right here.

We identified a suitable spot for the remaining crumbs - carefully placed on a paper plate - with some snow thoughtfully sprinkled over them.

And G was ready.  He turned around, looked up, and started calling: "Birds!  Birds!"

Surprisingly, no birds flocked straight in for their delicacy.

As of this morning, it still hasn't been eaten.  Very puzzling.

Excitement #2

G & I accomplished some Valentine tasks.  While we were out, we purchased a chocolate bar for Joseph.  While we signed cards for G's classmates, he also did one for Joseph.  I stuck the bar & the Valentine in a brown paper bag; told G that I would surprise Joseph on Monday by making his lunch for him, and he would find his surprises at lunch.  No big deal.  We moved on.

Six hours passed.  We went to pick Joseph up.  As soon as Joseph entered the car, G exclaimed: "Jajesh, you wanna see yo chocolate inna bag surprise?!"  Fortunately, G's speech issues worked in my favor.  Joseph didn't understand.

However, as soon as we got in the house, G started dancing.  "Jajesh, you wanna see yo surprise?  C'mon Jajesh, you see yo chocolate!  Das a bag fo you surprise!"  He dragged Joseph straight to the place where the "surprise" was hidden.  When Joseph realized what had happened, he roared.  G was still dancing - totally excited to surprise his brother.

Fun times.

1 comment:

  1. Loving both stories. I hope the birds have found the treasure now. When we put out our feeder it took almost a week the first time for them to find it and I'm pretty sure it wasn't freezing out.
    Surprising is so hard with a toddler in on the secret but the spoiling of the surprise is almost more fun!
