Thursday, December 15, 2011


While behavior has been improving, the eye.... not so much.

A cataract has formed and is blocking G's vision in that eye.

Yesterday we met the cataract doctor.  Our retina doctor asked him to take G.  Multiple people have told me he's "the best."  He seemed kind & knowledgeble.  I liked him. 

I didn't like what he had to say.

We must be guarded about G's chances of recovering vision in that eye.  We are uncertain what kind of vision will result.  It has been a long time since G has been able to use that eye.  The brain begins to ignore vision from an unused eye.

Much will depend on the retina's health.  At this point, due to the cataract, we cannot see the retina.

The cataract is a clouding of the eye's lens.  It's like a cellophane bag, with protein inside.

G's cataract is not the usual situation.  His doctors suspect that there is a hole at the back of the "bag."  The problem is that when the surgeons enter from the front, then the lens material could fall to the back.. through to the retina.  Of course, G's retina does not need any more damage.

The lens material could be small & thin, and absorbed on its own.  Or it could get inside and cause an inflammation.

Once the lens is out it will need to be replaced with an artificial lens.  Lenses have different powers.  G's eyeball will need to be measured to determine the correct lens, which is not easy in a little boy.  9 times out of 10, the hospital will have the correct lens in stock.  Occasionally, they will have to order the lens and complete the surgery without it (requiring another surgery).

We need to set small goals.  Our first goal is to get that cataract out.  After that, we can reasses.

The cataract surgeon is booked through Christmas and is out of town the week after Christmas.  He had seen two other children yesterday, but will get G in for surgery before them.  We are probably looking at the first week of January.  I'll learn the date this Friday.

That is the total of all I know.

So many people are saying they are praying for G.  I hope they really are.

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