Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Saturday: When G Became a Sausage

It is HARD to keep this boy still.

Let's list his favorite activities:
- Riding his bikes
- Running
- Jumping
- Climbing (Specifically, climbing over the back of the couch. Makes me crazy.)
- Playing with his cars while running, jumping, and climbing

And - which of those activities is he allowed to do now, while his retina is detached?


I took this photo to show you what we did on Saturday.

That is, a LOT of reading and a LOT of watching movies.

Also a LOT LOT LOT of me yelling "Slow down!  No running!  Calm & still, calm & still!"

We got to the end of the last movie.  G gave a long sigh and declared, "I'm a sausage."

"What, Honey?"

"I'm a sausage."

I think about 101 Dalmatians.  Threats of sausage?  I wonder: is he hungry?  I do not understand.

"I'm sorry, G.  I did not understand.  What did you say?"

"I so tired Mama.  I'm a sausage."

"I'm exhausted too, Baby.  Me too."


  1. Bless his heart and yours too. That was a precious post.

  2. You know, I have loads and loads of kid videos at work that I have accumulated. Would it help if I sent a box over, so you have some new choices for him?

    Lorraine has said, "I feel like a piece of bacon," and more recently, "I feel liek a ham and cheese sandwich."
