Sunday, October 30, 2011

Last Thursday

(If you were counting on a quick skim, it's probably best to save this
one for a day when you can read.  It's long, but it's all significant.)

I wake in the morning at 4:30.

Shoot.  I'm late.

G's doctor appointment is at 8:00.  Rush hour.  Rain.  Got to hurry.

God whispers.  Calls me.

Yes.  I'm in the habit of spending time with him in the morning.  I respond.

Quick prayer.  I still have something from yesterday on my mind: Walk humbly with your God.  I've been so upset lately with babysitter struggles - how to find enough coverage so I can work; how to empower / encourage / ensure that G is kept still while I'm away.  I repent of my worries (again).  Help me to walk humbly with You.

And now...  He whispers again.

Yes.  I open my "31 Days of Praise" book.

"How I praise You that I need not strive toward a possible victory, but can live from a position of victory already won - that He who is in me (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is greater than he who is in the world... that although Satan is powerful, he cannot prevail against the blood of the Lamb and the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank You that Satan must retreat before that Name and before Your Word, the living an powerful sword of the Spirit, and that in the end he will be cast down into everlasting defeat and shame."

Truth!  Fabulous!  I'm so glad I slowed down to read & praise.

I get up.  Whisper again.

Really?  I have to get ready.


The traffic... rain... appointment...


I open my bible.  Today's words are electric.

First in Philippians where a jailed Paul chooses to rejoice because "The Lord brought me here."  Paul encourages "Don't be intimidated by your enemies.  This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God himself."

And in Isaiah, where the Lord says: "I will save your children."

I will remember this.  I understand that You wanted to tell me this.  I know You are equipping me.  I don't know why but I thank You.

I rush.

We get to the appointment exactly at 8:00.

The doctor examines G's eye.  She is serious today.  She says, "I am disappointed.  The retina is still detached."

This is after The Surgery.  The Surgery that had to work, and it hasn't worked.  We will give it one more week and see if it looks better next Thursday.  It must look better.  G has to stay still.  The threat of blindness looms.

G remains clueless.

I am heavy.

Still, my heart holds the promises.  In faith, I cling to Truth.

The Lord brought me here.

I will hold this living & powerful Word before me.

God will save my children.

I will live from a position of victory already won. 

And I will keep trying to figure out how to walk humbly with my God....

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