Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Trying to

- get healthy (I'm still coughing)
- survive Joseph's chaffeur needs
- finish G's 10,000 doctor appointments
- obtain answers for how to finish this adoption
- find phenomenal child care
- not worry

And, of course, trying to enjoy the blessings in front of me. Today was a gorgeous day. After checking out a potential day care, we went to the park. G seemed to be scared of the geese, yet determined to get up close enough that they could really hear him screaming at them. And by "screaming" I mean that he was distinctly shouting at them in Kreyol. I kind of wish I knew what he was threatening them with, and I kind of think it's better that I didn't know. I would not be surprised if profanity was involved. He was expressing some harsh instructions at those geese.

Which reminds me.. We were in the bathroom today, G sitting on his frog potty, when he started pointing at my feet & telling me something. I, helpful as ever, said: "Yes, Mama is wearing socks. Can you say socks?" He just shot me a *look*, got up off the frog potty, pointed to an ant that was crawling by my foot, picked up the ant & squashed it, calmly dropped it in the toilet, flushed, and returned to the frog. Is it just me, or was that funny?

Leaving those stories.... Because it was such a nice day, we walked to the bus stop and got to meet Joseph there today.

1 comment:

  1. ok, that story is hilarious and the picture is adorable!
