Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Attachment Strategy

One of the attachment strategies I read about was encouraging a Comfort Object for your child.

Before I went down to Haiti the first time, I got 3 identical little blue bears.  The plan was for me to introduce the bear to G, for him to love it all week, for him to take the bear back to the orphanage to provide comfort until it was lost, and then for me to bring another bear when I went back to pick him up - thus jogging his wonderful memories and making him feel happy & secure.

Only, G hated the bear.  He delighted in throwing it as far away from him as possible.
I tried the same concept before he transitioned to preschool - using a blanket - a lovely blanket that would provide him extra security & comfort as he learned to sleep at school.

Absolutely no interest in the blanket.

Now, I happen to have this shirt:
It's a nasty old painting shirt, but one that I've been wearing often since G came home.  It's the kind of shirt that you wouldn't be sad if your toddler made a mess of - the perfect shirt for wearing around G.

Only, I can't wear it any more, because this has become the beloved Comfort Object. 


1 comment:

  1. That is one of the sweetest things in the world! He obviously loves the shirt because it reminds him of his mama!
