Thursday, June 24, 2010

I had an idea

There's this book.  It's a tiny book - a super quick read.  But it's very thought-provoking. 

Randy Alcorn's "The Treasure Principle"

Ever since I read it, I've been wanting to buy it for someone else.

But who?  It's not like you can just randomly mail a friend a book about Giving.  How would you know if they'd be interested?  (Although, I guarantee you: it's interesting.)

So here's the idea... I AM going to buy a few copies.  And I'll raffle them off.  Please leave me a comment or an email if you'd be interested to read this (tiny quick-read) book.  I'll draw names and will be so happy if I get to mail one to you.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea Heidi, I'd sure be excited to win the raffle. Always looking for new books to read myself. Have a great night! Jeanette
