Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

I've been feeling better about how my family celebrated Christmas this year.

We've really increased our focus on Christ - building anticipation for the celebration of his birth.

I've worked hard to decrease consumerism - removing materialism from the holiday.


It's possible that we're a work in progress. 

I did tell my boys that we give gifts to remember the great gift that God gave us.  That counts for something, right?

Oh - and some of my shopping was... unconventional.  The night before Christmas Eve, I told Joseph that I needed some help.  He got down a couple of bins of his old toys for me.  I opened the first one and discovered a Mickey Mouse lunchbox - something to put things in! - with Mickey! - and it had horses in it! - the perfect gift for G.  Below that was a tractor, with a hitched wagon - could it get any better?  I went to the book store opened the book bin, and found five terrific "new" books.  Voila!  At one point, I asked Joseph's opinion on a gift and he rolled his eyes at me: "I wouldn't want to impose on your sentimental gift selection experience, Mom."  But, he really didn't mind.  And -G?  Those gifts have been his favorite so far. 

The only gift I purchased for him that he seems to like more is.. seriously.. the book Dogs. Such a funny boy.

So Christmas Day was fun.  The boys enjoyed their gift opening.  G seemed to hit overload with just a couple of gifts left to open.  I tried to stop him, but he insisted on pressing through.  Perseverance!

I had warned Joseph that this was going to be a less materialistic Christmas for us.  He totally wasn't expecting the Kindle.  So fun to surprise him!

And my mystery gift from G?  Two ornaments he made at school.  What could be better? 

We have lots of guests coming.  Today my cousin visited.  Looking forward to the celebrations yet ahead!

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