Friday, January 7, 2011

THE Most Disgusting Thing Ever happened today

G & I were at the post office.  You know, just mailing the first of our Christmas letters.  No comments please.

I was busy working the automated postage thing (which should definitely be nominated as one of the most brilliant inventions ever! love that thing).

Every few seconds, I was looking over to monitor G.  He was just hanging out with me.. until the final time I looked over and saw him drinking from a Dunkin Donuts coffee cup that was not ours!

Just thinking about it makes me want to gargle antiseptic.

Technically, I'm sure that you could've survived without me sharing the story, but somehow I feel better knowing that I'm not alone in being disgusted.

((Look at that.  I just happened to have the perfect accompanying photo on hand.  And G really is wearing that same sweatshirt today.  The sweatshirt of doom, apparently.))


  1. I am dying laughing! Probably because I can picture how this could happen so easily.

  2. Emily, Ugh. I still shiver just thinking about it. Whose cup was it? Some nice healthy lady who just forgot it there? Or some guy with the flu - too sick to remember it? Did he spit in the cup before leaving it for my son to find? Nightmares. It's the stuff of nightmares, I tell you. YOU would understand.
