Thursday, January 13, 2011


January 12th 2010 was a regular day.  I went to work.  I consumed large volumes of coffee.  I had an event to attend after work.

And then Haiti shook.

January 13th was not a regular day.  Searching, praying, networking, waiting.  Life took on a desperation.  And there was no time for coffee.  Tension increased.  Sleeping ceased.  The praying turned to praying & fasting.  And I could not indulge in coffee.

Somewhere along the line, I figured out how much money I spend on coffee each year.  Knowing what people in Haiti were enduring, I could not continue to spend that money.  I decided to fast from coffee for a year... and save that money for Haiti... and be reminded to pray for Haiti whenever a coffee craving hit me.

For a Coffee Lover, this has made for an interesting year.

In these last weeks, I've debated what to do when my year was up.  It has felt right to make this tiny sacrifice.  I have prayed more than I would have otherwise.  I have more money to give.  I'm so glad to know the money will change lives rather than enrich Starbuck$.

But what to do now?

I love coffee.  I love being awake.  I love cradling a warm cup on an Arctic morning.

And then the decision came to me.

JUBILEE.  I will have a COFFEE JUBILEE.  40 seems to be a spiritual number.  I will have a 40 day all-out coffee-bonanza Jubilee!

Starting January 13th.

Which was today.

Oh, how I love coffee.

Only 39 more days to go.  If you live near me, this would be a great time to suggest going for a coffee date.  If you live elsewhere, please fly in.  I'd love to do coffee with you too.  Coffee Coffee, nothing but coffee.  Jubilee, y'all!

p.s. If you live near me, you might want to mark your calendars now.  "February 22: Avoid Heidi!"

1 comment:

  1. That was a great idea Heidi. It is amazing how quickly coffee adds up in our budget and how that money could be better spent somewhere else. Enjoy your Coffee Jubilee!
