Monday, January 24, 2011

Where We're At

Blogging did not used to be a problem for me.  Lately I don't know what to write.

G's day care is run by a principal.  I have mentioned her before.

The principal reports to a Regional Director.  I like & respect this woman.  Her daughter was in G's class and really favored him.  Thank goodness.

The Regional Director reports to someone else - the Superior Top Director?  The STD (now there's a laugh) is a rather intimidating woman.  Gray hair perfectly styled at all times.  Enunciating clear complete sentences.  Properly citing facility regulations.  Ensuring that the job is done and everyone stays in line.

The STD was in charge at G's school today.

Joseph never tried to bite a Superior Top Director.

I don't know what to write any more.

Thankfully, G remains extraordinarily adorable.  To me.  Possibly not to the STD.

He is very into "I do it!"  I'm wondering if it's possible for a 4-year-old to have the "terrible twos?"  And how long those last at age four? 

Tonight at the grocery store, G bagged our groceries because "I do it!" and because the cashier thought he was extraordinarily adorable.

If she only knew.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to say it but, I thought the three's were WAY worse than the two's. As you mention though, G is extraordnarily adorable ...
