Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Eye Update

We spent all.day.long. at the hospital yesterday.  Lots of delays before anything could begin. 

Fortunately, G has fully embraced the art of imaginative play.  We spent a lot of time shoveling dirt out of the hole (prep room) and "wheelbarrowing" flowers in to the garden (hallway).  Love to see the creativity.  You'd think that G wouldn't enjoy planting since we never manage to grow anything.. but apparently that's not the point.  He also turned his bed into a boat and we sang 10,000 rounds of "Merrily merrily merrily merrily".  There are worse ways I could've used a vacation day.

Once they finally took G, I spent a bunch of time in the waiting room.  Every person waits differently.  I'm grateful to know God.  It makes for better waiting, knowing that He is in control.

The doctor was happy with G's progress!  She could see much more of the eye and was able to put more lasers in to hold down his retina.  The only problem is that his eye does have some scarring.  Scars can potentially pull back on the retina, detaching it.  So there's our new prayer request.  Otherwise, she was so pleased that she doesn't even want to see him for two more weeks!

Nice to report good news.

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