Friday, January 20, 2012

G's Doctor Report

Last week we saw the cataract surgeon.  He said things looked fine, but we'd have to wait to see the retina surgeon.

Yesterday we saw the retina surgeon.  She said things looked fine, but we'd have to wait to see the other eye doctor (opthamologist?).

What I want to know is: When do I get to actually celebrate?

Cause I'm ready now.

The doctors' mild response confuses me.  G's retina seems to be attached.  There are no signs that debris fell through onto his retina.  His eye seems to be healing well.  This all sounds good to me.  Like: "jump up & down" good.

Do you wanna jump with me?

Alternately, you can wait until next week when we see the opthamologist.  And the week after when we see the cataract surgeon.  And later when G has another examination under anesthesia.

But at some point - we are going to jump.

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