Saturday, January 21, 2012

Learning to Read

This is an S.  S says ssssssssssssssss.  Can you say sssssssssssss?  Yes, ssssssssssssssss.  S says sssssssssssssss.  Good job.  Look - this book is called ssssssssssssSam sssssssssssssSat Down.  That has 2 Ses!  ssssssssssssssSam and ssssssssssssssSat.  S.  S.  Sam Sat Down.


G is not getting it yet.

He has a repertoire of about 10 letters that he can name.  He understands that from left to right the letters make words.  And that's about it.

But still I try.

Yesterday I came to a perfect practice opportunity.

What a disaster, eh?  You have to remember how the picture looks, with cars smashed every which way, so you'll understand the following "reading experience."

Can you see the first words on the page?  It says "OH NO!"  We've practiced NO lots of times.  NO is perfect since G does know both the letters N & O, and because O conveniently makes the sound O.  A reader's dream, right?  Or...

"Look at this G.  These two words say (I'm pointing) 'Oh.... ____."

(blank look)

"(pointing to Oh) Oh.... (and pointing to No) this is an N.  It says nnnnnnnnnnn.... ."


"Yep.  And which letter is this (pointing to the O, a letter that he does know)nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...."


"It says (pointing to Oh) 'Oh' (pointing to No) 'nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn....'"

"Oh. NnnnnnnnnnnnnnnCRAP."


I hope that story works in print because I almost died laughing.  Except, of course, I had to hide it because I didn't want to encourage "crap."

But seriously.  N-O.  Two letters that he knows.  And he sounds out NnnnnnnnnnnnnCrap.  Are you kidding me?!?

This reading thing might take a while.

1 comment:

  1. It had me laughing. He may not have been reading the word but crap sure fit well to describe the picture.
