Saturday, March 19, 2011

Big Gift

We had friends over for dinner this week.

That's big.

We had friends over for dinner this week!

These are good friends who live nearby, but they hadn't even met G yet. 

It's enough of a challenge for me to work, fill (somewhat) my son's emotional needs, get my house (kind of) clean, and accomplish all of the other bare necessities each day.  Socializing doesn't own a time slot.  And inviting someone to dinner is WAY outside my reality.

So how did this happen?

My coworker Diane - for no reason - cooked me a lasagna.  A full lasagna!  Just brought it to work and told me dinner was ready.  I called my friends, and they came over.  Voila!

So, not only did Diane feed my family (today & probably twice more from the leftovers), but she also gave me a party - a reunion with dear friends.  For no particular reason.

Diane is probably more busy than I am.  She also works full time.  Volunteers extensively with two organizations and her church.  Is married.  Has 4 (grown) children.  Has plenty of her own friends.  But chose to bless me.

I'd like to be that nice some day.

Today, I'm just glad Diane is that nice.

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