Saturday, March 5, 2011

I do it!

The little one LOVES to dress himself for going outside.

The jacket is a major production.  He's got the whole "flip it over your head" thing going on.  This requires careful laying out of the jacket, deliberate consideration over which side to stand on, and puposeful flipping of the jacket.

It also requires a rapt audience.  "WATCH ME!  WATCH ME!"  I stand at perfect attention, lest he decide that his 5 minute performance didn't get its deserved attention, thereby forcing him to start afresh.  Often I'll complete the pageantry by clapping for him, allowing us to actually move towards the door.

This morning we completed G's amazing feat of magnificence.  I put on my own jacket and grabbed my purse... and received my own applause "You did it Mama!  Good job!"

G also likes to put on his hat.  It has tasseled pieces that hang down to cover his ears.

...only somehow he tends to miss his ears.

One tassel down the back of his neck, and the other tassel down his nose.

Cute enough to make the whole jacket production enjoyable, eh?

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