Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Learning to Play

A friend commented recently on the development of G's imagination.  I've been wanting to write about that, but especially after I saw what Lori wrote at Countdown to Homecoming.  You should read it.  She perfectly summed up our experience with "learning to play."  Our only difference is that - instead of stuffing string into cars - G stuffed little toys into zippered bags... as many toys as possible... and cried when no more toys would fit.

I remember last year when the first warm-enough-to-play-outside day came.  I bundled G & myself up.  I took a book to the back deck so I could read while G played.  I choose a place to sit in the sun at the edge of the deck.  ...  And G sat rightnext to me.  I let him sit there a while to acclimate. 

And he kept sitting.  I picked him up off the deck and encouraged him to "go play."  He looked at me and came to stand rightnext to me.  I read for a while. 

And he kept standing.  I got down, picked up a big stick and gave it to him.  He stood there and held it.  I waited.

And he kept holding it.  Finally I got down and got my own stick.  I showed him things a stick can do... tap on the deck, drag in the mud, reach to the tree... demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate. 

Then I went back to my book.  And G came to sit rightnext to me.  So frustrating!

fast forward

Recently we had our first warm-enough-to-play-outside day of this year.  G ran outside and immediately invented the game of "find the biggest two sticks you can; throw one up in the air, and hit it with the other stick."  


 Yay G!

1 comment:

  1. This is so amazing to hear about all these changes. I'm learning so much from your journey. Thank you!
