Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I don't want to live like "Wow, I'm blessed.  I have great kids; they're healthy; I have a job and a house....AND I have Jesus."

As if Jesus is the gravy.

I want to live like "Wow, I'm blessed.  I have Jesus.  I was without hope - doomed - when Jesus paid a price I couldn't pay to rescue me.  Great news!"

As if Jesus is everything.

Love this, from Hebrews 12:
1 Therefore... let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.

(If you happen to know Emily, please note that she can do a fab re-enactment of this verse.  Also note that I'm referring to Emily, my friend, not Emily, my niece.  What with my niece being 9 months old, she's not really big into the re-enactments.  Yet.)

My pastor once said - If someone asks you what's important in their lives, you don't want to hear "Well, first is God.  Second is my family.  Third is my work...."  You want to hear "First is God.  Period."  And then you love your family through your love for God, not just in your own strength.  You do your work through God's equipping and for God's glory.

What with me not being a pastor, I'm sure that he said it better than I just did.

Anyway - that makes sense to me.  I want to live like that.  Running the race set out before me... with my eyes fixed on Jesus... with purpose in every step :)

That was a long intro.

So - God just gave my family a huge gift.

You remember how Joseph applied to several colleges, but he only wanted to go to THE ONE?

     ...and then he got accepted to THE ONE.

          ...He just got a scholarship!

               ...a FULL RIDE scholarship to THE ONE!

I feel some kind of crazy-blessed.  Which, if you read my intooooo, is not exactly how I want to describe things.  How about:

We were already fully blessed. 
And we were just gifted with some mad gravy.

Thanks God.


  1. ARE YOU KIDDING! That kind of gravy never happens there!!! It's so much fun to just trust God and see what he comes up with.
    I'll be working on my interpretive dance moves to do the verse for you this summer.

  2. I think you need to clarify that Joseph didn't just get a full-ride scholarship; he got a full-ride scholarship for FOUR YEARS!!!

    Can I just say again how incredibly proud of Joseph we are!!!
