Friday, March 25, 2011

G's on his way!

I goin-a vacation.

Really?  Where are you going?


Why are you going to Florida?

Da baby's in Fo-dah.

What are you going to do in Florida?

Ima play.  Ima work.  I hafta work in Fo-dah.

Well, let me take a picture so I can show Aunt Kirsti that you're in Florida. 

I move G's packed truck out of the dusty corner of the bathroom so I can take a photo.

G obliges, but makes sure I know.  "DAS not Fo-dah.  (pointing)  Fo-dah over there."

Apparently Florida is in a very specific corner of our bathroom.  Good to know.


  1. Remember when imaginative play was such a far off concept? I love that his connection with "the baby" is showing up in his play. He knows how to get to her! Might I interest him in a different baby he could visit? Is it bad to use my baby as a bribe? Nevermind. I don't care. I just need to see him and hear him say "fo-dah".

  2. I know! His imagination thrills me!!!

    I've been working on building his connection to you. There's a photo of your family by the door in his room. If you remember to send one with the baby, he may want to head out that way soon. He loves baby Emily! Surely baby Wolgang Hans Jurgen Gunter Klaus Gestetner will be a BIGGER draw.

  3. WHAT!!!!! Wolfgang Hans Jurgen Gunter Klaus most certinaly won't be a bigger draw that sweet little Emily:)

    Umm ... hello .... when is that trip to fo-dah scheduled for anyway?? I've got lots of little girls who want to spend time with their cousins. A trip to California can follow:)
