Monday, April 26, 2010

Just News

All is well.

Thursday we spent the morning at preschool and the evening at college. 

Friday - back to college.  Wheaton put on a GOOD show.  Seriously, there is something special about that school... energy, vibrancy, polish & friendliness.  G only had one meltdown.  Fortunately it was during chapel, and I'd gotten him downstairs, so it was largely unnoticed - except for the ?Filipino? cleaning woman who tsk'ed loudly and informed us several times that G shouldn't be doing that.  Thanks for the tip.

Weekend - nonstop running around.

I had to wash THREE batches of dishes before all were again clean.  Yeah, it was bad.

And the big news....  G started day care today.  It seemed to go well!  Just one hour, but I didn't see any tears (and didn't ask if there were any while I was gone).  I still love his fab teacher.  G has been very demanding / clingy / disobedient tonight - maybe reminding me that his adjustment is still "in progress."  We'll see.

He has a longer stint at day care tomorrow.. plus another vaccination.  Our first IEP meeting is Wednesday (prayer request).  In general, this will be a busy week.

Worth a smile: my favorite new G word is "weh-we" ("ready").  It's spoken as a question, and usually means that he's about to hurtle something for me to catch.  It's helping my reflexes.

The bottoms of all my t-shirts are stretched out from being pulled on all day long.  Annoying.  And my face keeps breaking out, which I'm sure is from G's hair cream rubbing on it all day long.  Also annoying.  How long did I wait & dream of the day when I'd be pulled & loved on?  And now I get annoyed?

The recipe book from Diane is working!  G downed a full serving of carrots today.. disguised in his mac n cheese.  ah ha ha ha!

Three bits of Joseph news...

1. I got a mid-term report this weekend, showing that he's FAILING History (his possible college major) (provided that he gets accepted to college).

2.  He got his ACT score today.  It's good!

3.  The History teacher sent an apology for the incorrect report of failure.  Good thing I took the original news so calmly.  ahem

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