Thursday, April 29, 2010


The garbage truck arrived early this morning, so we got to see it - an exciting surprise!

Are you noticing that unicorn-like stub protruding from his forehead?  Another fall.  The boy does seem to land on his head a lot.

Today was MAJOR day care.. 7 1/2 hours.  And again, he did well.  Praise God!!!  They were playing outside when I arrived, and while G wanted to hug me, he also wanted to stay & keep playing.  I know he likes being around friends.  Apparently he also had no potty accidents AND ate vegetables (undisguised, I'm assuming).  Wondering if I should look into boarding school.

G's roughest time of day is after nap & before dinner.  I try to be prepared emotionally to cook one-handed while carrying him around.  These last few days of day care, G has really increased the unpleasantness of that hour.  He's been extra disobedient & demanding & unhappy.  I'm assuming that while he likes day care, it's still stressful for him.

Sorry I didn't update on the IEP meeting.  My dad came & sat with me so I'd have another set of ears there... which was a waste of two people's time!  Here's the "special services" timeline so far:

     November '09: I call to see about getting G screened (was expecting him home any day).  I'm scheduled for their next screening...
     March '10: The screening.  I'm told that to expect someone to call me to schedule a "full screening."  ?
     April: I call & call & call to inquire.
     April: I call to ask what my rights are.  Voila!  The next day an IEP meeting has been scheduled.
     April: You pray.  I prepare.  The big meeting where I'm told... "We need to schedule a full screening."  The district now has 60 school days from the meeting date to accomplish that screening.

Do I need to spell out the lessons I learned?

My impression of the special ed team, though, is that they seem caring & competent.  Whenever we can start working with them, I expect good things.

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