Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dinner Is Served

This was Week Three of my amazing gift of meals from my co-workers.  Corn & salad & jambalaya & cake.  Oh my!

(Yeah. The boy REALLY wanted "mo" cake.)


  1. give the boy "mo" cake mama! just kidding. looks like he's eating more, huh? how about at daycare. does he eat?

  2. He went through a spurt where he ate 6 meals in a row. That was our best yet. Daycare reports every day what he eats. It's always "none" of the veggies. Sometimes he'll eat the meat & often the fruit - both of which surprise me. He usually eats all of the noodles/bread. He seems to be broadening his palate. Hope so!

  3. Whoa, when did Joseph become a man?

  4. Oh, no, Em. Men complete & turn in their homework on time. I'm sure of it.
