Sunday, May 16, 2010

Some News

Last time I wrote that I wasn't inspired to post.  Since then, I've thought of a million things I want to tell you.. but Joseph has been married to the computer, working on a thesis paper.  Finally, I again have access.  I'm glad you didn't give up on me.  Here's some news...

Joseph had TWO band concerts and a band practice last week.  Doesn't that seem a bit extreme?  G's ability/inclination to sit still is improving; I got to enjoy a couple of the songs.  The last concert was Joseph's last concert since he's not taking band next year.  Another chapter finished.

A common occurence while driving is to hear this exclamation from the backseat: "AHBUHZ MAMA, AHBUHZ!"  The boy likes to spot "a bus", for sure.


  1. Why no band next year????

    What is it about buses and little ones? Mal gets super excited when she spots school buses and when Avery was around 2 2 we used to count buses every car trip.

  2. Don't worry. I'll still live the Marching Band life. He just chose not to do Band class - ergo, no concerts. And: why no class? It's partly because it's hard to feel challenged with his marimba skills when the teacher is coaching a whole band, many of whom have more interesting parts to play. And it's partly because he wants to try other things, like Ceramics, while he can. Beyond that - I'm just the mom. Who knows.

    I'm dying to know... Was that a correct usage of the word "ergo"? I've never tried it before.
