Monday, July 26, 2010

Catching Up

It seems I left you looking at a photo of my toilet.  For over a week.  Sorry about that.

Life has been full.  I managed to get together with my "when I was at Firstar" friends.  We enjoyed a couple of minutes of grown-up conversation at Starbucks - in between me picking up bits of things G had hurled to the floor.  I get the feeling sometimes that I serve as a lovely reminder to women everywhere: "Why I am glad that my children are not toddlers any more."  Glad I could help.

I hosted a surprise birthday party for my friend Pam.  My kind of party....  Asked my co-worker to make a cake (yes) +  Asked some of our friends to come (yes) + Asked Pam to come (yes) = Party!  Nothing fancy, but it was fun.

I survived my 6-month adoption home visit.  Why will the social worker not examine my bathtub cleanliness or test my fire alarm?!?  Does she not know that I PREPARE for her visit?  It was supposed to be my final visit, but with the adoption not yet completed, she is going to keep coming every six months.  Which is good, because I really should clean my bathtub at least twice a year.

We picked Joseph up on Saturday.  He was sad to leave his friends.  He spoke at the graduation ceremony and did a fine job.  The program leader shared something special about each graduate.  About Joseph, she noted his real love for learning, and she encouraged him in his plan to become a teacher.  I was -of course- proud.

Guess who was REALLY happy to see Joseph? Oh my. At one point I had to remove G from the auditorium. As I carried him out to the car, he was throwing his hands back towards where Joseph was, while yelling "Waiiiiiittttttt. Wait Dadesh (Joseph)! Wait Dadesh!" He did not want to lose his brother again.  Can you blame him?...

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