Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 7th

Two years ago today I met G for the first time.

I had gone to Haiti to meet my almost-two-year-old son.

The van pulled up with the visiting parents' children inside.  No car seats.  No seatbelts.  Just children.

Before I got to see G, one of the orphanage volunteers met me and warned, "He's small.  He's very small."

I've always been grateful that she eased my shock.

I'd never before met a two-year-old who couldn't support their weight on their little stick legs.

G was very small, but he still had spirit.  Gobs of spirit.  Even at that first visit, he was FUNNY. 

That hasn't changed.

Have I mentioned how exceedingly grateful I am to have him home?

1 comment:

  1. This might be my favorite post yet. It's so amazing to look back. It feels like a lifetime ago but I remember exactly where I was sitting when I talked to you after that first trip. So much happened in between but you loved him so well the whole time. Praising God you are together and he is truly thriving.
